Get the Most out Of Your Better Hearing Consultation

Please fill out these forms and print them to bring with you to your appointment.

We encourage you to fill out your paperwork prior to your appointment—it can help save you time when you check in to our office, spur important conversations between you and your loved ones, and get you thinking about your better hearing goals.

To fill out your patient form prior to your appointment, click the link to download the form(s) you need.

Patient Forms

Patient Case History


Patient Profile and Consent


Before Your Appointment

Please read the instructions below as needed for your appointment. We will tell you when you set up your appointment with us if you need to do so. Thank you!

Balance Test Instructions

It is crucial that the following instructions are followed for the testing to be performed successfully:

  1. Please DO NOT wear any makeup to the appointment.
  2. If you experience chronic dizziness or dizzy symptoms that are easily provoked, please arrange to have someone drive you home after the test.
  3. Please DO NOT eat a substantial meal before your appointment.
  4. 24 hours prior to the test, please avoid the following:
    1. Alcohol
    2. Anti-vertigo medications
    3. Tranquilizers, sedatives or sleeping pills
  5. Please continue to take all essential medications, including heart and blood pressure medications, diabetes medicine and psychiatric medicines.

If these guidelines are not met, the appointment will need to be rescheduled.

Pediatric Auditory Brainstem Response Test Instructions

It is crucial that the following instructions are followed for the testing to be performed successfully:

  1. Bring your child to the appointment awake, but ready to sleep.
  2. Keep the child up late the night before the appointment.
  3. Wake the child up early on the day of the appointment.
  4. Do NOT allow the child to sleep in the car on the way to the appointment.
  5. Bring your child to the appointment hungry. Please be prepared to feed the child at the beginning of the appointment to help initiate sleep prior to testing.


If your child will not fall asleep in time to obtain results, we will reschedule the appointment. If we are unable to obtain results after two appointments, we will recommend that your child undergo the procedure under anesthesia at a hospital in Albuquerque.

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